
Friday, March 30, 2012

10 of my Most Popular Blog Posts

While working on another writing project, my blog has been put on the backburner, so to speak, but the guilt has caught up to me and I am trying to still add to it. For this post I would just like to share links to my blog posts that had the most hits. Blogging has been an interesting journey for me, because I first started out with it as a means to reflect (I tried journaling, but I seriously cannot write that much by hand). I was slow with my posts in the beginning of my blog, because I didn't feel like I had anything to share, but then would be surprised by how many hits some of my posts had. I really don't think I'm sharing anything that amazing, because I know of other principals that do incredible work that inspire me, I just think we need more of them blogging about it. But anyways, I already got off track.

If you are new to using blogger, you can click on "stats" within your dashboard to see the # of hits on your posts and where you're traffic is coming from. Here's a screenshot of my stats:

My Top 10 Posts (with #1 being the most "popular"):
10. Reflecting on my classroom visits

9. Twitter for Teachers

8. Teaching with Daily 5/Cafe for Summer School -- My Reflections

7. Why our school recognizes honor roll in Pride Assemblies

6. Web 2.0 and Higher Level Thinking

5. Web 2.0 How do I love you? Let me count the ways

4. Leading the Way with Staff Memos

3. The decision to go school-wide with Daily 5

2. Using the iPad to Increase my Productivity

1. The Power of a Data Room


  1. Hi There!

    My name is Keyton Weissinger. I'm not selling anything. :-)

    Please excuse the contact-by-comment. I did not see any other way to reach out...

    I am an Atlanta-based entrepreneur looking for feedback/opinions on a web service I'm building for schools. It's called Simpler Admissions. From perusing your blog entries it appears that either you may be able to provide that feedback if you've time or suggest others potentially more suitable. 

    The system is called Simpler Admissions ( and it makes it easier for schools to manage the admissions/enrollment process. It does this by providing the following:

    * Easy-to-use online school forms
    * Per-student task tracking
    * Reports and bird's-eye view
    * Easy classroom management

    I would appreciate any feedback you might have time for on the service or the website. 

    Thank you very much.


    Keyton Weissinger
    Simpler Admissions

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