
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Books for the first week...

In my last post I shared some tips to get started with informal walkthroughs. After posting it, I received this question on twitter:
So, here are the books I read in classrooms during the first week of school...

During my first year as Principal, I read:
This was my favorite First Day book as a teacher and when I shared this with classes during my first week as a principal, I talked about how I was nervous too!  I don't usually read this book anymore, but I keep it with me for a back-up, just in case I need another book.

I read this to our 4 year-old kindergarten:

I read this to our 5 year-old kindergarten:
I read The Kissing Hand to the 4 year-olds my first year and one of them began crying hysterically, which is why they have a different book now!  After I read The Kissing Hand, I give each student a little heart sticker on their hand to remember the story of the book and use that time to practice each of their names.

I read this to our 1st grade classrooms:

I read this to our 2-5th grade classrooms:
By the time they're in 5th grade, they've all heard it several times, but I always tell them when you find a good book, it's fun to read it over and over again. I also use this book for discussion/review on our Code of Conduct and why they're so lucky to have a teacher that is not like Miss Viola Swamp. 

And just in case I have extra time to spare, I have this one with me:

This year our school is going with the Bucket Fillers theme, so I'll be reading different ages versions of :

Principals--what do you read to your classrooms? I'd love to add to my list of books!


  1. Great book list! I have always enjoyed reading Lunch Bunnies by Kathryn Lasky. It is a great story about a bunny who is afraid she will not know what to do at lunch.

  2. Did I miss first grade? What do you read to them?

  3. Recess Queen is a book my principal reads to 1st graders and talks about including others at recess and schoolwide bullying policy.


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